Sunday, September 30, 2012

Elegant Fall Pumpkin Planter

This fun fall project is super easy and under $7 to make!  An elegant pumpkin planner makes a great decoration for any outdoor area.  You could also bring it inside as a centerpiece for your table.
Here is what you need:
  • Plastic pumpkin container (the ones kids trick-or-treat with) - I got mine for $1 at Wal-Mart.
  • Spray paint color of your choice.  I recommend a special plastic spray paint for better adhesion.  I picked gold because it's an elegant, warm color that goes well with fall foliage. Spray paint costs around $3 - $5.  
  • Small or medium mum.  Any color will do!  Mine was a small mum for $3 at Wal-Mart.
  • Potting soil. Amounts will differ depending on the size of the container.
  • Electric screwdriver. You may not need one if you can find a container with a hole already in the bottom - some have them!
And here's what you do:

1. Take the plastic pumpkin and remove the handle.  You can do this with a strong pair of scissors.  If the container does not already have a small hole in the bottom, you will need to drill a hole so water can drain out.

2.  After making sure no dust or dirt are on the pumpkin, spray paint the outside with 2-3 coats, letting the paint dry between coats.

3. After the spray paint has fully dried, fill the container about 1/4 full of potting soil.  Remove the mum from the planter and loosen the roots.  Set in the container and fill in the sides with additional potting soil.  If you don't like the jack-o-lantern face, simply turn the container around.

4. Water 2-3 times a week!

Happy Crafting!